The Apollo Healthcare Property Fund invests in high-quality, sustainable and affordable senior housing and care facilities that promote the well-being of residents and care providers. Institutional investors in the fund benefit from stable cash flows and low correlated, inflation-linked income returns combined with a significant social impact. Below you will find some key figures of the fund. These figures are updated quarterly. All the information below is broken down by color of the three sub-funds:

Updated: Q4 2024


This sub-fund invests in residential real estate with a healthcare/welfare component. Rental agreements are generally concluded with individual residents. Residents usually stay in these care and welfare homes for an average of ten years.


This sub-fund invests in real estate that houses several healthcare providers and institutions, such as general practitioners, a pharmacy, physiotherapists, dieticians and a blood lab. Investments can also be made in specialized clinics and medical laboratories. The lease term for this segment is typically 12 years or more.


This sub-fund invests in real estate that nurses and cares for people with extensive healthcare needs. The target group is often older than 75 years, but there are also young people with disabilities or health problems who need extensive care 24/7. The main tenant is a healthcare organization that concludes a rental contract for usually 15 to 20 years.

This fact sheet should always be read in conjunction with the fund-specific information memorandum. The fact sheet contains information from Hartelt Fund Management B.V. Hartelt Fund Management BV, a manager of investment institutions, is authorized and supervised by the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) and De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) to manage investment institutions, as described in Section 2:65 Wft. The information in this fact sheet is a snapshot and is subject to continuous change. The fact sheet is purely informative and cannot be regarded as an invitation to an offer or advice. Hartelt Fund Management B.V. does not guarantee the correctness, completeness or topicality of the information included in the fact sheet. Hartelt Fund Management B.V. disclaims any responsibility (for consequences) of activities undertaken as a result of the contents of this fact sheet. This fact sheet doesn’t bind Hartelt Fund Management B.V. Participation in a Hartelt Fund Management B.V. is only open to Dutch professional investors within the meaning of Article 1:1 of the Financial Supervision Act (Wft). If you are not a Dutch professional investor, this information is not intended for you. Dutch law applies to this disclaimer.